Engine 34-1-4 |
34-1-4 1999 Pierce Dash 2000 Pumper |
In 1999 the fire company purchased a Pierce Dash 2000 pumper to replace our aging 1951 American Lafrance open cap pumper.
The truck has the following specifications and equipment.
8 man enclosed cab 2000 gpm two stage pump 1000 gallon water tank 20 kw hydraulic generator 4000 watts of quartz lighting 1000 ft of 5” LDH Hose 2 250’ cross lay 1-3/4” hose 1 250’ 3” pre-connect hose 1 200’ 1” trash line in bumper 5 Scott 4.5 Air packs TNT Combi tool with power pack Forced air ventilation fan